About Uchhista Ganpati

Ucchista Ganapati is one of the Tantric Forms of Lord Ganesha and is a powerful and quick way to enjoy the fruits of Bhoga & Yoga in the world. His iconography has been shrouded in superstition, illusion and much controversy as he has always been ahead of the times in which he was brought to light. He has remained a mystical archetype which thrilled and frightened most. After immense saadhna and his grace, this web page emerges from his own divine will to be revealed in these dark times where his power, opulence and benevolence can benefit more and more ready ones to attain highest states of Self Realization and live out magical and impactful lives.

Unveiling him is not easy as he is "Guhya" or mystical and the scope of the intellectual mind to grasp and drink from his ambrosia for an eternal life will forever be a failing journey for many. His compassion and wisdom helps to lead us on to the best version of our lives.

oṃ pūrṇamadaḥ pūrṇamidaṃ pūrṇātpurṇamudacyate ।
pūrṇasya pūrṇamādāya pūrṇamevāvaśiṣyate

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते ।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥

From Whole the Whole emanates,
Of Whole the Whole having been taken
The Whole is even left over.

What is left behind when we subtract Poorna from Poorna? Poorna itself! Applying the principle of Neti Neti and sieving the mind, body and emotion complex, what is left behind is the Nirvikaar and Vishal Swaroop of the Atmic self. So, Ucchista Ganapati represents the leftover complete and wholesome self that we are. Infinite, pure and complete!

May all be blessed with the grace and anugraham of Ucchista Ganapati Ghe Ghe Swaha!

About Dr Pallavi Kwatra

Shree Dr. Pallavi Kwatra is an Anesthesiologist and critical care expert by profession. Along with this, she trained herself in alternative modes of healing and experimented deeply with many spiritual technologies over the past 2 decades. These include Tantra, Reiki, Energy Healing, Crystal Therapy, Angel Healing, Hatha and Himalayan Kriya Yoga, Sri Vidya, Advaita and many more. Her spiritual awakening happened in the year 2010 at her diagnosis of a lethal Spinal Cord Cancer. She healed herself without chemotherapy and experienced the true power of faith in the Lord. This inspired her to use herself best as the instrument of the divine as she set forth with the torch of truth to illuminate many hearts.

Shree Dr. Pallavi churned out 13 published books on various subjects and has continued to blog almost daily for the past decade. There are over 3000 blogs on her website on a variety of topics. Her books are translated into English and Hindi and are well appreciated worldwide. Her passion for reading is vast and expanded her horizons further. Writing is a form of self-healing for her. Through her deep experiences with life and her near encounter with death, she is a carpenter of the soul and offers herself as a service to this world to which she belongs. Her writings offer a glimpse into the many facades of the human heart. Sometimes, electric, Sometimes soothing, the range of the works makes her writings a versatile and dynamic portfolio which cannot be bracketed into a single type. From erotic poetry to spiritual awakenings, she lays before the audience a bait to reconcile with their selves in a new and open way. Engaged, yet detached from any specific idea or belief system, the words soar ever upwards, free unto the open sky. Beckon your inner voice through these writings and discover the secrets held trapped in the closet of your soul.

Aawahanam: Initiation Into Ucchista Ganapati

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते ।
पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥

With Humble Gratitude on the feet of Ucchiṣṭa Brahman, Ucchiṣṭa Gaṇpathi channels and blesses you through the sacred instrument of Shree Dr Pallavi kwatra who is inspired to announce the process of initiation into UCCHISTA GANPATHI sadhana.

Please find a video on the process of initiation in Ucchista Ganapathi:


Following are the offerings of the Initiation process:

1. A live Zoom session/ Physical process where you will be initiated personally and she will unravel the Secrets, Mythology, Benefits and sadhana process in detail of Ucchista Ganapathi. This is a hand-held sadhana and a personal process one on one.

2. Detailed Educational PDF of the above topics along with guided videos and audio tools for sadhana step assistance

3. Personally conducted Ucchista Ganapthi initiation Puja (Shadopchara Abhishekam: 16 special upacharas /offerings ) done for you as a part of initiation session

Pujas: Ucchista Ganapati
Ucchista Ganapati

The homam will be performed with 108 chants of the 37 syllable highest mantra of Uchhista Ganapati“ॐ नमो भगवते एकदंष्ट्राय हस्तिमुखाय लम्बोदराय उच्छिष्ट महात्मने आँ क्रों ह्रीं गं घे घे स्वाहा ।

Ucchista Ganapati Shadopchara Abhishekam

The Abhishekam to the beautiful 3kg panchaloha Idol will be performed with 16 chants of the 37 syllable highest mantra of Uchhista Ganapati and offerings of 16 kinds of things

Book: Ucchista Ganapati
Book: Ucchista Ganapati

This is a fully coloured A4 size book On Ucchista Ganapati. His compassion and wisdom to lead us on to the best version of our lives has enabled this book which has attempted to blend the traditional Eastern Indian wisdom with a more Neo Tantric perspective. This enables a more open and unorthodox representation of this vast sky like Brahma Tattva and does it due justice rather than labelling him as a Taboo and keeping him within the approach of the privileged few.

Excellent for Vaak Siddhi, Auspicious Abundance, Atma Jnana , Psychic protection and sexual issues, His uniqueness is revealed in the book along with detailed saadhna steps, iconography descriptions, benefits of worship, Neela Saraswati and many more mysterious and deep aspects about him. Here is a layout of topics covered:

1. Ganesha: A celebrated God
2. Ucchista Ganapati: What makes him unique?
3. Ucchista Ganapti: The Iconography Decoded
4. Ucchista Ganapati: The Mythological Story & Temple
5. Ucchista Ganapati: The Srividya Master & Lalitatripurasundari Secrets
6. Ucchista Ganapati: The Vaak Connection
7. Uchhista Ganapati & Kamakhya Yoni
8. Ucchista Ganapati Shakti: Neela Saraswati/Ucchista Chandalini
9. Ucchista Ganapati: Benefits of Worship
10. Ucchista Ganapati Worship: Mantras, Hyms & Prayogas
- Mantras of Lord Ganesha
- Ganesha Ashtastotram: 108 Names of Lord Ganesha
- Mantra Saadhna & Rituals of Ucchista Ganapati
- Offerings to Ganapati
- Ucchista Ganapati Kavach
- Ucchista Ganapati Sahasranam​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
11. ​​​​Ucchista Ganapati: Resources & Tools

Ucchista Ganapati Hindi Book उच्चिष्ट गणपति: परंपरा के पर्दे से परे
Ucchista Ganapati Hindi Book Front Cover
Ucchista Ganapati Hindi Book Back Cover
Ucchista Ganapati Hindi Book उच्चिष्ट गणपति: परंपरा के पर्दे से परे

उच्चिष्ट गणपति भगवान गणेश के तांत्रिक रूपों में से एक हैं, और दुनिया में भोग और योग के फलों का आनंद लेने का एक शक्तिशाली और त्वरित तरीका है। उनकी प्रतिमा अंधविश्वास, भ्रम और बहुत सारे विवादों से परे है, क्योंकि वे हमेशा उस समय से आगे रहे है। जब उन्हें प्रकाश में लाया गया था। वे एक रहस्यमय आदर्श है।

जिसने सबसे अधिक रोमांचित और भयभीत किया। यह पुस्तक उनकी अपनी दिव्य इच्छा से उभरती है।  ताकि इन अंधेरे समय में प्रकट हो सके, जहाँ उनकी शक्ति, समृद्धि और परोपकार अधिक से अधिक तैयार लोगों को आत्म-साक्षात्कार के उच्चतम स्तर को प्राप्त करने और जादुई और प्रभावशाली जीवन जीने के लिए लाभान्वित कर सके।

उनका अनावरण करना आसान नहीं है, क्योंकि वे “गुह्य” या रहस्यमय हैं। और एक शाश्वत जीवन के लिए उनके अमृत को समझने और पीने के लिए बौद्धिक दिमाग का दायरा हमेशा कई लोगों के लिए एक असफल यात्रा है। हमें अपने जीवन के सर्वश्रेष्ठ संस्करण की ओर ले जाने के लिए उनकी करुणा और ज्ञान ने इस पुस्तक को सक्षम बनाया है, जिसने पारंपरिक पूर्वी भारतीय ज्ञान को अधिक नव तांत्रिक दृष्टिकोण के साथ मिश्रित करने का प्रयास किया है। यह ब्रह्म तत्व जैसे विशाल आकाश का अधिक खुला और अपरंपरागत प्रतिनिधित्व करने में सक्षम बनाता है, और उसे वर्जित के व्यापक रूप करने और उसे कुछ विशेषाधिकार प्राप्त लोगों के दृष्टिकोण के भीतर रखने के बजाय उचित न्याय करता है।

वाक् सिद्धि, शुभ समृद्धि, आत्म ज्ञान, मानसिक सुरक्षा और यौन समस्याओं के लिए उत्कृष्ट, पुस्तक में उनकी विशिष्टता का विस्तृत साधना चरणों, प्रतिमा विवरण, पूजा के लाभ, नीला सरस्वती और उनके बारे में कई और रहस्यमय और गहरे पहलुओं के साथ खुलासा किया गया है। यहाँ शामिल विषयों का समीकरण है।

1.गणेश: एक प्रसिद्ध देवता।

2.उच्चिष्ट गणपति: उन्हें क्या अद्वितीय बनाता है?

3.उचिस्ता गणपति: द आइकॉनोग्राफी डिकोडेड

4.उच्छिष्ट गणपति: पौराणिक कहानी और मंदिर।

5.उच्छिष्ट गणपति: श्रीविद्या गुरु और ललितात्रिपुरसुंदरी रहस्य।

6.उच्छिष्ट गणपति: वाणी द्वारा जुड़ना।

7.उच्छिष्ट गणपति: एवं कामाख्या योनि।

8.उच्छिष्ट गणपति शक्ति: नील सरस्वती/उच्छिष्ट चांडालिनी।

9.उच्छिष्ट गणपति: पूजा के लाभ।

10.उच्छिष्ट गणपति पूजा: मंत्र, भजन और प्रयोग।

    .भगवान गणेश के मंत्र।

    .गणेश अष्टस्तोत्रम: भगवान गणेश के 108 नाम।

.उच्छिष्ट गणपति की मंत्र साधना एवं अनुष्ठान।

.गणपति को प्रसाद।

.उच्छिष्ट गणपति कवच।

.उच्छिष्ट गणपति सहस्रनाम।

  1. उच्छिष्ट गणपति: संसाधन एवं उपकरण।
  2. उच्छिष्ट गणपति आवाहनम्: उचिस्ता गणपति के साथ पवित्र यात्राएँ।
  3. उचिस्ता गणपति: मेरी यात्रा और लेखक के बारे में।

ॐ पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्णात्पुर्णमुदच्यते ।

पूर्णस्य पूर्णमादाय पूर्णमेवावशिष्यते ॥

संपूर्ण परे है, संपूर्ण यह (सृष्टि) है,

संपूर्ण से संपूर्ण निकलता है,

संपूर्ण से संपूर्ण ले लिया गया है,

संपूर्ण भी शेष रह गया है।

पूर्णा से पूर्णा को घटाने पर क्या बचता है? पूर्णा ही! नेति के सिद्धांत को लागू करने और मन, शरीर और भावना के जटिल को छानने पर जो बचता है, वह आत्मिक आत्मा का निर्विकार और विशाल स्वरूप है।

उच्चिष्ट गणपति उस बचे हुए पूर्ण, और स्वस्थ आत्मा का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं, जो हम है। अनंत, शुद्ध और पूर्ण!

सभी को उच्चिष्ट गणपति की कृपा और अनुग्रह का आशीर्वाद मिले।

घे घे स्वाहा!

Sadhna Tools: Ucchista Ganapati idols
Ucchista Ganapati Yantra & Yantra Kit
Ucchista Ganapati Yantra

This is a pre energized with Ucchista Ganapati Mantra Japas and comes in 2 sizes: 3 by 3 inches & 7 by 7 inches.
Pure copper plate yantra and weighs approx 40 grams & 100 grams respectively

Ucchista Ganapati Yantra Kit

This kit has the following 3 things to assist you in your UG Saadhna & is pre -energized using Ucchista Ganapati Mantra Chants
1. Ucchista Ganapati Copper Plate yantra 3 by 3 Inch
2. Red aventurine Mala, 3. Shonbhadra Shila

UG Photo Frame & Combo
Ucchista Ganapati
Combo Ucchistaganapati
English Book & Photoframe
Combo Ucchistaganapati
Hindi Book & Photoframe
Ucchista Ganapati Videos
Om shree matre namah. book was good to have knowledgeable in-depth information of Ganapathi swaroopam .very useful and great thanq very much.

Kamal Kumar Ji

OM Mahesh Spiritual Alchemy is blessed to have received this wonderful book of knowledge from Dr Pallavi.

Om Murli

The Shala Ucchistaganapati temple, Thiruvanamaaai
This book is the result of Dr. Pallavi's personal experiences with Ucchista Ganapati. Her subtle insights arose from her deep connection with Him. The book is very inspiring and motivating for everyone who wants to get closer to this colorful and wonderful divine being.

really like the illustration of Ucchista Ganapati and his consort on the cover of the book. This book can serve as a modern and advanced portal for all UG lovers.

Dario Zazral

I recently experienced meeting Dr Pallavi for Ucchistaganapati Saadna initiation in Delhi. I was welcomed with so much warmth, and generosity of spirit and instantly felt a beautiful connection. Dr Pallavi shared so much knowledge in a way that was easy to understand and delivered with such grace and humour. Her deep wisdom is profound and the saddna was beautiful, leaving me with a feeling of serenity. More time was spent discussing how to practice and the benefits of mantra and Ucchista Ganapati practice. I left feeling a huge gratitude and appreciation for this incredible woman who beams with pure love and joy. Thank you Dr Pallavi for this life-changing experience and for being such an inspirational devotee and guiding light in spiritual practice. Much love and gratitude, Linda

Linda Holland

United Kingdom
Yesterday I had an initiation session into the Ucchista Ganapati mantra with Dr. Pallavi Kwatra. We established a great connection from the very beginning of the session. It was calm and exciting at the same time. The session started with laughter. Her approach is open and honest. She answered my questions directly and honestly. The presence of Ucchista Ganapati can be felt in her presence. Dr. Pallavi has a spirit of freedom that is free from social and religious conditioning. I like that very much. This is much needed in today’s world. I am happy that I connected with Ucchista Ganapati through her. Thank you, Ganesha and Dr. Pallavi.


I have been initiated to the Ucchista Ganapati Mantra Sadhana by Dr.Kwatra a month ago & I felt the connection with his energy & with her, from the very first moment. Ucchista Ganapati came to me in a fluent & natural way & I took this as a reminder of being in joy and gratitude for whatever it is from this lifetime.

Dr. Pallavi Ji is very devoted and she embodies the energy of happiness that Ganapati want us to experience. She transmits the Sadhana in a very precise and detailed way. Every step of the practice is explained and given to you in a recording, then you can recall it by yourself, autonomously & easily. Already, at this stage (as I learned the practice a few weeks ago only) I feel the powerful effect of the mantra sadhana. As soon I invoke Ganapati within the first repetitions of the mantra, my inner state clicks into a deep sense of peace and release. I feel deep gratitude for Ucchista Ganapati and Neela Saraswati for the powerful energy they emanate & Dr Kwatra for her joyful commitment to spreading this powerful practice

Lalita. E

On Sunday I was blessed to receive a Ucchista Ganapati initiation from Shree Dr Pallavi. It was a deeply nurturing and inspiring experience to discover so many rich and rewarding facets of Ucchista Ganapati. And that through her initiation I am now opening to these gifts in myself. The puja was mysterious and magical to me as I am not skilled or versed in the Sanskrit language. Thankfully, Shree Dr Pallavi and Bhairav ji patiently and kindly guided me through the process. But am sure Ganapati and Maa Neela Saraswati could feel my heartfelt intention to open to their grace. I have noticed I am more centred and grounded in my body since the initiation and practising their mantras. Feel so grateful to Shree Dr Pallavi for generously offering this rare and precious teaching to us. Jai Maa”

Amanda Ahern

It’s been a little over a week since my initiation and the pull to the practice is already so strong, I feel a constant invitation to sit with the mantras. From my initial communication with Shree Dr Pallavi I felt a strong connection to her as she opened her heart and home to me. Throughout the whole ucchistaganapati initiation and kalavahana I felt completely safe and held in the space. Listening to the chanting of the mantras was a beautiful and hypnotic experience, while having the opportunity to feed the full power of devotion with giving the offerings. After this wonderful ceremony then I was able to receive that devotion in return with the kalavahana. Never have I received such a powerful open devotion of grace and unconditional love. Much gratitude and reverence to Shree Dr Pallavi 🙏🏻


I am grateful to the guidance throughout. It was indeed a profound experience. Feeling blessed. The happiness came with the initiation process where I got an amazing experience and deep insight into the power of ucchista ganpati and maa Neel saraswati. I am thankful to God for making me realise this blessed day with shri Maa Pallavi ji which is a turning point for myself and my future course of action in life, changing my mind and thought process for everything which is near to me…either power people or materialistic things. I got a new purpose for life & regardless of how many years of life… it’s worth to spend time working and simultaneously doing sadhana of ucchista ganpati and Neel saraswati Maa. sadar pranam jai Mata ki 🙏🏻

Sarvesh Walia

Bhopal, India
I feel deeply blessed to have this opportunity to get initiated for Ucchista Ganapathy Sadhana by Dr. Pallavi🙏🏻 It’s such a divine experience to get stronger connection with one of the beautiful forms of Lord Ganeshji. I felt so humbled by all the signs & synchronicities I witnessed since the moment I felt pulled towards this mystical form of Ucchista Ganapaty with NeelaSaraswati .Dr. Pallaviji was so sweet in her explanations and inspired me through out with her insights.
My Heartfelt gratitude to Pallaviji for her selfless guidance 🙏🏻Om Shri Gurubhyo Namah 🙏🏻

Lavanaya Varma

Glimpses from Magical Ucchistaganapati
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