Would you care
About my purity, qualification or progress
If all I knew was your love..
Uncouth, rudra and raw,
Would you not dare to
Fling open my eyes to
The illusion of this samsara?
Vanspathi, Vighnaharta and Prathampujaniya..
You give me a ray of hope
In this structured world..
That chaos is the starting point
Of all order!
With Neela at your lap,
You are in constant sambhoga
With the maya of the matrix!
There cannot be a deeper karuna
Than to know that I need not change
Into someone else to seek your grace.
As you accept me without any conditions
To the surreal world of your ganas..
I too am abided only to Shiva!
You know that and simply welcome me home.
No matter how weird I appear to this
Immaculate world,
You teach me the finest lessons
Of how to be an avadhoota!
Image credits: Tina Heals. (https://youtube.com/c/Tinaheals)

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