There are 32 forms of Ganapati. One of them is Uchchishta Ganapati. This form of worship is believed to be a form of Vamachara(left handed worship).
Uchchhishta (“leftovers”). The word refers to the food left over at the end of a ritual, but in this context refers to its Tantric connotation. Uchchhishta is the food kept in the mouth, which is contaminated with saliva, thus ritually impure and a taboo in Hinduism. But Ucchista Ganapati loves the salivating mouth of the devotee and is overjoyed at this symbol of deep pleasure. Many times during intense sexual act, saliva drools and annoints various body parts of the partner. It is an expression of the “mugdha” state of devotional fervour to Ganapathi in this context.
The large figure of Ganesha is accompanied with smaller figure of the consort. The nude devi (goddess) sits on his left lap. She has two arms and wears various ornaments. In the Uttara-kamikagama, she is called Vighneshvari and is prescribed to be sculpted as a beautiful, young maiden. The fourth hand of Uchchhishta Ganapati touches the genitalia of the naked goddess. The Mantra-maharnava prescribes that the god should be depicted as though he is trying to have intercourse.
Ucchista is the anandit awastha of sambhoga. During the peak of an orgasm, there is no mind and he reminds us to be ever present in this orgasmic bliss of divine union where the intercourse is with life and its moment to moment occurances.
Uchchhishta Ganapati is always shown with a naked consort, who is seated on his left lap. The god is generally depicted with four arms and holds a pasha, an ankusha and a ladoo or amodak (a sweet), while the fourth arm hugs the nude goddess around her hip. She holds a lotus or another flower in the left hand.Instead of his hands, the tip of his elephant trunk touches the yoni (vagina) of the goddess. Occasionally, the goddess touches the lingam(phallus) of the god with her right hand. They are always inclined to make love to each other as they hold each other’s genitalia.
There is deep transcendence possible through bhoga and conscious sexual engagement. That is one of the tenets of TANTRA and hence pleasure is not a sin, but a way in this saadhna.
Happy and blessed to be able to welcome the ARS EROTICA UCCHISTA GANAPATI who is deepening the experiences of erotic orgasmic bliss of union and allowing the expression of these divine channellings.
Image credit: DrPallavikwatra (From my personal altar: Have the blessed darshanams and soak in bliss)