Most of us are still stuck with severe mental bias and judgement even though we may have many denominations or having completed high levels of srividya saadhnaas. In fact, the more learned one becomes, the more is the danger of “siddhi abhiman”.. or ego flaming that comes with siddhis during the course of Srividya saadhna. The mature saadhak is always at guard and fairly knows that the vasanas of the mind which germinate from the ahamkara need to be shed to merge into Lalita as Shiva Shakti roopini.
So here, in my own experiences, I find the upasana of Ucchista Ganapati to really be of help in quantum progression for srividya saadhna goal of Advaita Anubhuti or the nondual Bindu consciousness of Devi. As Ucchista Ganapati destroys the mental bias of pure and impure and the vamachara saadhnaas slowly efface the judgemental and conditioned mind to bend in surrender to the weird and strange form and grace of the Lord Ucchista, one begins to move in leaps and bounds in his inner mukti and srividya saadhna poorti also
Be an eligible upasak first if you want the deities to bless you.
Don’t just seek… but long for it with all your deepest heart and be the Veera saadhak who dares to do the saadhnaas and take responsibilities for his life.
Advaita Anubhuti of the self as the only reality or Parabrahman is the only goal if there is any goal worthwhile.
Best wishes

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