With the immense blessings of my Guru, Shree Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi, Shree Lalita Tripurasundari RajRajeshwari and Shree Ucchista Ganapati sameta Neela Saraswati, I am deeply humbled to announce my upcoming book on UCCHISTA GANAPATI: Beyond The veil of Illusion. This will be a unique body of complete work on Ucchista Ganapati for the English-speaking and detail all about his multifaceted Archetype to diversified population of People as he makes himself available in this kaliyuga to assist our spiritual and world journeys in powerful, creative and playful ways.
The beautiful, mystical and powerful UCCHISTA GANAPATI has graced me with the powerful realization of the Self in the past few months of intense saadhna and as he channels through this book and this instrument, I have felt many veils and illusions of identity and belief systems crash unto the void of the Nirguna Brahamanspathi.
With new revelations, The Vignaharta has creatively constructed many new pathways of inner bliss and freedom states along with removing obstacles in my path. He has playfully and painfully opened up many layers of deep conditioned patterns and replaced it with UNMATTA: The ever blissful and SHUNYATA of the highest spiritual stature.
To whomsoever who seeks the Compassionate Anugraham of Ucchista Ganapati, May he grant the transcedntant truth beyond all duality.
Ghe Ghe Swaha..