Ucchistaganapati homam conducted along with recitation of Uchhista Ganapati kawach. The rising flames of karmic burnout and the dissolution of all obstacles as all pathways to self realization are now clearer and ultra fast..
For those seeking expedited journeys of inner freedom and outer impact…Connect to Ucchista and know the jivanmukta awastha in this lifetime…Make it happen for you..
I have been connecting with some amazing souls who are receiving the mystic and marvellous powers of Ucchistaganapati in their lives via this chosen instrument… The initiation process keeps getting auto refined and self evolving, more and more meticulous and easy to practise for urban saadhaks worldwide… With Ucchista and my Guru, Shree Bhagwan Ramana Maharishi s blessings… The sacred traditional worship of Ucchistaganapati is now available to be practised in this kaliyuga by modern men and women who are ready for the next and best versions of themselves.. As he himself breaks all cults and deep conditionings about himself …the teachings reveal themselves to the sincere ones without dogmas and stigmas… Ghe Ghe Swaha .
To understand more about welcoming the grace of Ucchistaganapati in your life, please see this short video to understand about Aawahanam: An initiation into the nuances of Ucchistaganapati:

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