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The Ucchista Ganapati Ashtottara Shatanamavali, commonly known as the Ucchista Ganapati Ashtottaram, is a devotional hymn comprising 108 names that extol the various attributes and virtues of Ucchista Ganapati.
oṃ vallīśavalayakrīḍākutukāya namo namaḥ oṃ
ॐ वल्लीशवलयक्रीडाकुतुकाय नमो नमः ॐ

Salutations to Ucchista Ganapati, the one who playfully runs races with his brother, Kartikeya, the husband of Valli. This nāmā refers to the famous legend of the divine race between the two sons of Shiva and Shakti. Kartikeya, the younger son, is known for his immense strength and valor, and his vehicle, the peacock, symbolizes speed and majesty. When a challenge arises to race around the world, Kartikeya confidently mounts his peacock and dashes off, eager to prove his prowess.

Meanwhile, Lord Ganesha, who is known for his wisdom and ingenuity, approaches the race differently. Instead of physically traveling the vast expanses of the world, Ganesha simply circles his parents, Shiva and Shakti, who represent the entire cosmos and the source of all creation. Through this act, Ganesha demonstrates that true understanding transcends mere physical action. By honoring his parents, he acknowledges that they embody the universe in its entirety.

As Kartikeya races around the world, he repeatedly finds his brother Ganesha wherever he goes, symbolizing the omnipresence of divine wisdom. This profound myth teaches that all existence is part of the superconsciousness and nothing is separate from it. Ganesha’s act of circling his parents signifies that the essence of the universe is not just in its physical manifestation but also in the unity and wholeness of consciousness.

This story encapsulates a deep philosophical truth: the ultimate reality, or Brahman, is both immanent and transcendent. It is present within all forms and actions, yet beyond them as well. Ganesha’s understanding that his parents represent the entirety of creation underscores the concept that the divine essence permeates everything. Kartikeya’s journey, despite his strength and speed, reveals that external achievements alone cannot grasp the totality of existence without recognizing the underlying unity.

Ucchista Ganapati, in his unique form, reinforces this lesson of inherent unity and the integration of the physical and the spiritual. By saluting him, devotees are reminded of the importance of recognizing the divine in every aspect of life and understanding that all forms of energy and matter are interconnected. His wisdom teaches that the universe operates through a harmonious balance of dynamic and static forces, represented by Shakti and Shiva.

Thus, the race between Ganesha and Kartikeya is more than a mere contest; it is a metaphor for the journey of spiritual realization. It illustrates that true wisdom lies in recognizing the oneness of all creation and the omnipresence of the divine. Ucchista Ganapati, with his insightful approach, epitomizes this eternal truth and guides his devotees towards a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all life.

Salutations to Ucchista Ganapati, the embodiment of wisdom and the beloved son of Shiva and Shakti. He reveals through his actions that the divine essence is ever-present and that the ultimate reality encompasses all of creation, urging us to see beyond the superficial and embrace the profound unity of the cosmos

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