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The Ucchista Ganapati Ashtottara Shatanamavali, commonly known as the Ucchista Ganapati Ashtottaram, is a devotional hymn comprising 108 names that extol the various attributes and virtues of Ucchista Ganapati.

oṃ guhyapūjāratābhīṣṭaphaladāya namo namaḥ oṃ

ॐ गुह्यपूजारताभीष्टफलदाय नमो नमः ॐ

Salutations to the one who grants every wish of his devotees, who sincerely perform HIS secret pūjā (prayer) without ostentation.

This refers to the ṣoḍaśopacārapūjā of śrī ucchiṣṭa gaṇeśa, which includes this aṣṭottaraśatanāmāvaliḥ.

The verse “oṃ guhyapūjāratābhīṣṭaphaladāya namo namaḥ oṃ” from the Ucchista Ganapati Ashtastotram is a powerful salutation to Lord Ganesha in his esoteric form as Ucchista Ganapati, particularly acknowledging his ability to grant the deepest wishes of his devotees who engage in secret, sincere worship. This verse emphasizes the importance of internal devotion and the potency of performing rituals with humility and discretion.

Word Breakdown and Meaning:

  1. oṃ – The primal sound representing the ultimate reality and the divine essence. It invokes the presence of the deity.
  2. guhya – Secret, hidden, or esoteric. This refers to a type of worship that is not performed openly or for public display but is conducted with deep sincerity and internal devotion.
  3. pūjā – Worship or ritual offering, typically involving a variety of rites and offerings in honor of the deity.
  4. ratā – Devotion or attachment, indicating that the devotee is deeply engaged in or committed to the worship.
  5. abhīṣṭa – Desires or wishes. It signifies the cherished desires of the heart, both material and spiritual.
  6. phaladāya – The one who grants or gives the fruits, i.e., the fulfillment of wishes.
  7. namo namaḥ – Salutations repeated for emphasis, expressing reverence and complete surrender to the deity being praised.


This verse highlights several key concepts central to the worship of Ucchista Ganapati and reveals important insights into the nature of devotion, secrecy in worship, and the granting of wishes.

The Power of Secret Worship:

The term guhya pūjā (secret or hidden worship) refers to the idea that some forms of devotion and spiritual practice are meant to be private and sacred, rather than ostentatious or for the eyes of others. Ucchista Ganapati, being an esoteric form of Lord Ganesha, is associated with mystical and hidden knowledge. The devotees who approach him through guhya pūjā do so with an understanding that their spiritual connection with the deity is deeply personal, transcending external ritualistic forms.

  • Sincerity and Privacy in Worship: The phrase “guhya pūjā” suggests that the true essence of devotion lies in the inner experience of the divine, not in external displays of religious practices. Ucchista Ganapati favors those who perform their worship with sincerity and secrecy, implying that ostentation or public demonstrations of piety are not necessary for divine blessings. The focus is on internal purity, genuine intention, and heartfelt offerings.
  • Ṣoḍaśopacāra Pūjā: This specific form of worship refers to a detailed and elaborate sixteen-step offering (ṣoḍaśopacāra) performed for Lord Ganesha, which may include a series of offerings like flowers, incense, food, and mantras. In the case of Ucchista Ganapati, this practice is imbued with esoteric elements, making it both profound and spiritually potent. The practice requires full concentration and an internalized connection with the deity rather than simply external rituals.

Granting the Devotee’s Desires:

The verse also highlights Ucchista Ganapati’s role as the fulfiller of wishes (abhīṣṭa phaladāya). He is not just a remover of obstacles but also the one who grants the deepest desires of his devotees, whether those are related to material well-being, spiritual growth, or personal fulfillment.

  • Abhīṣṭa – Cherished Desires: Devotees come to Ucchista Ganapati with a range of desires, some of which may be unspoken or deeply personal. This verse underscores the idea that when a devotee approaches the deity with genuine devotion and engages in guhya pūjā, Ucchista Ganapati bestows the fulfillment of these cherished desires. It speaks to his compassionate nature, his readiness to respond to the innermost wishes of the heart, and the power of devotion without ego.
  • Phaladāya – Bestower of Fruits: Ganesha is called “phaladāya,” meaning the giver of fruits. This phrase signifies that the rewards of worship are not limited to material gains but extend to spiritual benefits, such as wisdom, peace, and divine grace. The devotee who sincerely performs the secret worship is granted not just the fruits of their labor but also the fulfillment of their deepest spiritual longings.

The Balance of Esoteric Knowledge and Devotion:

Ucchista Ganapati is often associated with tantric practices and esoteric forms of worship, which are aimed at transcending ordinary levels of consciousness and attaining higher states of spiritual awareness. The secret worship mentioned in this verse may allude to practices that are not part of mainstream or conventional forms of Hindu ritual but are instead deeply mystical and transformative.

  • Ṣoḍaśopacāra and Esoteric Knowledge: The ṣoḍaśopacāra pūjā of Ucchista Ganapati, combined with the Ashtottara Shatanamavali (recitation of 108 names), forms part of this intricate, spiritually intense worship. This form of worship could involve invoking specific mantras, focusing on the awakening of higher energies (such as in kundalini practices), or engaging in rituals that connect the devotee with divine consciousness on a deeper level.
  • Guhya – The Hidden Path: The fact that this verse emphasizes “guhya” or hidden worship underscores the importance of personal spiritual experience over external rites. In the tantric tradition, secrecy is often associated with the protection of spiritual knowledge. Only those who are ready to receive and use this knowledge in a responsible way are granted access to it, and Lord Ganesha is seen as the gatekeeper to this wisdom.

Spiritual Lessons from the Verse:

  1. Sincerity in Worship: The verse teaches that the essence of true devotion is internal sincerity. The external performance of rituals is secondary to the inner connection one has with the divine. This is a reminder to all devotees that even if the rituals are conducted in secrecy or simplicity, what matters is the purity of heart and the devotion behind them.
  2. Divine Reciprocity: Ucchista Ganapati’s role as the granter of desires shows that spiritual rewards are given based on the depth of the devotee’s connection to the divine. When devotees perform their prayers and offerings with humility and secrecy, they are rewarded not just with material gains but also with spiritual growth and divine blessings.
  3. Hidden Knowledge and Mysticism: This verse also invites the devotee to explore the mystical aspects of worship. Ucchista Ganapati represents an aspect of divinity that transcends conventional forms of worship, leading to deeper spiritual realizations for those who are ready to engage in esoteric practices.


Verse 25 of the Ucchista Ganapati Ashtastotram is a rich and profound salutation to Ucchista Ganapati, celebrating his ability to fulfill the wishes of those who worship him sincerely, without seeking external recognition. It emphasizes the importance of hidden or secret worship and highlights Ganesha’s role as a bestower of spiritual and material fruits. The verse also points to the deeper, esoteric nature of Ucchista Ganapati’s worship, where the emphasis is on personal, internal devotion rather than outward displays of religiosity. Through sincere, humble, and hidden worship, devotees can access Ganesha’s grace and blessings in their fullest form.

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